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Articles tagged with "Ibn Hajar"

- Refuting the Notion of Bid'ah Hasanah (Good Innovation) in Worship: Part 1 - Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani on the Usage of the Word Bid'ah in Its Linguistic Sense
- Refuting the Notion of Bid'ah Hasanah (Good Innovation) in Worship: Part 7 - A Diagrammatical Representation of the True and Real Intent of the Shafi'ite Jurists and Unveiling the Deception of the Contemporary Innovators

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al-fakihani al-izz bin abd al-salam al-masalih al-mursalah al-maslahah al-mursalah al-mawlid al-nabawi al-mawlid-al-nabawi al-nawawi al-shaatibee al-shafi'i al-shatibi baatiniyyah bidah haqiqiyyah bidah hasanah bidah idafiyyah fatimids funerals good innovation hajj ibn hajar mawlid misbahah mother's day niyaahah niyyah prayer public interest qur'an rosary beads shaking hands shiah sunnah hasanah tabarruk talbiyyah tasbeeh beads ubaydiyyah |