The Mawlid |
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It is unanimously agreed by all scholars without exception that the act of celebrating the mawlid is a bidah (innovation) that was never found amongst the first three generations, the Righteous Salaf. This is agreed upon even by those who favour it or incline towards it and defend it. Those who speak in its favour - after agreement about its innovatory nature - have nothing but weak arguments and invalid analogies squarely contradicted by their strong encouragements and enticements to strictly follow the Sunnah and the way of the Salaf. We shall investigate the bidah of the mawlid in detail in this section inshaa'Allaah and establish that it was innovated by the Batini Isma'ili Ubaydees (wrongly referred to as Fatimids) who took rule over Egypt in the fourth century hijrah.
- Concerning the History of the Mawlid: Between the Imitation of the Companions and the Innovation of the Baatinee Ismaa'eelee Shi'ite
- The Baatinee Ismaa'eelee Ubaydiyyah (Alleged Fatimids) of Egypt Innovated the Celebration of the Mawlid
- Taj Al-Din Al-Fakihani (D. 734H): The Mawlid Is a Bidah Not Practised by the Salaf

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